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What can do for you?

Do you need another service? Another thing to learn?

If creating Liquid Syllabi is high on your priority list, then can make a difference for you and your students, in lots of ways.

Good Design Made Easy

Easily put together a syllabus that's both eye-catching and functional using our hundreds of built-in themes and WYSIWYG Editor.

Copy and paste from web pages, PDF files, and Word Processors, and keep your formatting

Pick a theme you like, and your syllabus will auotmatically shift heading colors to match. You can choose a theme to match the season, your favorite color, or virtually anything else.

A syllabus in different themes and colors
A syllabus on a desktop computer and a phone showing video

Create Rich, Engaging Experiences

Insert video and images into your syllabus.

Don’t worry — We’ll make sure that when a student views them on their mobile device, it just works.

Include Everybody!

Our accessibility tools will scan your syllabus with every change, and make sure you know what to do in order to make sure that everyone has the best experience possible, with minimal effort on your part.

All of our built-in themes are designed to be ADA-compliant and high-contrast.

A computer with icons representing different disabilities
A syllabus part being duplicated.

Stop Repeating Yourself

When you have multiple classes, there are several pieces of your syllabus that get repeated over and over.

With's part library, you can save these syllabus parts and quickly insert them into your syllabus. If something changes, you can update them all at once!

Find-able and Share-able

Ultra-short urls make it easy to share the web address for your Liquid Syllabus with your students.

If they do get lost, though, they can search by school and subject to easily find the right syllabus on the site.

A magnifying glass and short web url

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